PISA is proud to belong to the following associations:
- IASIR – International Association Security and Investigative Regulators
- ISPLA – Investigative & Security Professionals for Legislative Action
- NCISS – National Council of Investigation & Security Services
- VACP – Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police
- VCOG – Virginia Coalition for Open Government
If you are interested in learning more about the field of investigation, we have some additional resources for furthering your own knowledge on the subject:
- DCJS – Department of Criminal Justice Services – The state-level agency charged with planning and carrying out programs and initiatives to improve the functioning and effectiveness of the criminal justice system as a whole.
- PI Magazine – The biggest private investigator periodical in publication. Published since 1988.
- PI Education – Online continuing education resource for private investigators since 2001.
- NALI – National Association of Legal Investigators – One of the largest private investigator associations in the United States. Formed in 1967 to endorse, promote and safeguard the highest professional ethics of the legal investigative profession and to explore, cultivate and advance those arts and sciences.
- ACFE – Association of Certified Fraud Examiners – Formed in 1988, a professional organization of fraud examiners. Its activities include producing fraud information, tools, and training.
- Intellenet – International Intelligence Network – Association of professional investigators and security consultants with national and international specialized investigative capabilities.
Feel free to reach out to us if you would like to add to the list of suggested resources or if you have any additional questions by emailing us at president@vapisa.com.